Kapila Riverfront, a luxurious farm villa nestled along the banks of the River Kapila, was recently inaugurated by the Managing Director of ESS & ESS Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Sri Shreekanth Daas. The inaugural ceremony was accompanied by a series of cultural activities that added a touch of festivity to the evening. The symbolic inauguration of the farm stay involved the untying of the ribbon at the main entrance of the house.
Following the formal inauguration, an advertising film showcasing the property was launched by film actresses Ms. Roshini Prakash and Ms. Amrutha Iyengar. Speaking at the event, Sri Shreekanth Daas commended the efforts of Mr. B.S. Prashanth for conceptualising this unique venture in such a captivating location. He applauded the culmination of years of hard work. Sri Sannaswamy, In-charge of the farm stay, was felicitated for his valuable contribution.
The audience was entertained with a mesmerising fire dance by a trained troupe, a special Poi Dance (LED Dance), music by The Jasper Band and other captivating performances that enhanced the charm of the evening. The fun-filled evening concluded with a grand gala dinner.